Wie gebruikt er nog meer kant-en-klaarmaaltijden?

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Oktober 31, 2012
Onlangs heb ik mijn teen in het kant-en-klare maaltijdsysteem gedoopt. De meesten van jullie zijn waarschijnlijk bekend met Factor, maar ik besloot te beginnen met Clean Eatz. Niet goedkoop, maar ook niet zo duur als Factor en Factor krijgt online veel kritiek over vertraagde (dus warm geleverde) bestellingen en bestellingen met ontbrekende maaltijden. Heeft iemand van jullie dit ook geprobeerd? Wat is jullie ervaring ermee? Misschien dat ik Tovala met zijn "slimme oven" als volgende ga proberen.
I tried so many. Factor was okay for a while but I felt it wasn't all that. I didn't have issues with warm food and have lived in two different states when I used it. I've deactivated twice. I HATE cooking but realize that I actually enjoy an easy homecooked meal more. Never heard of Tovala. I tried one that also was local to my town and it got boring quick. I'm not saying it wouldn't work. I think it just depends on how much you like food, expectations, and Trader Joe's just has the same stuff essentially.
@auburnfan123 ah come on and stop spamming the forum just to get your seniority status back. There is a minimum word requirement anyway that I know of so you're not going to get to where you want to be by bringing up old threads with one worded sentences. It's annoying to everyone here who actually have an interest in the forum. @Ooit can you take a look at all these recently created posts that serve no-one.
I thought ready meals were things you bought in the chilled section of the supermarket. Bargepole comes to mind. I might occasionally walk down to the Indian and get a takeaway as a treat, but it's much cheaper and safer to cook real food from scratch.
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