401k IRA en pensioen

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I am not an expert but I wanted to post this information because it is stuff I wish I knew early in my career when I started contributing to retirement.

1) Als u werkt voor een bedrijf dat pensioenregelingen aanbiedt, maar geen geld stort op uw pensioenrekening, doe dan geen moeite. Waarom? Omdat de regelingen die ze aanbieden vaak beroerd zijn en het bedrijf dat het plan beheert een beheersvergoeding rekent (meestal $ 500 of meer per jaar). Nu zeg ik niet dat u geen geld in uw pensioen moet stoppen, ik zeg alleen dat u het plan van uw bedrijf niet moet gebruiken als zij geen geld storten. U kunt uw eigen IRA opzetten met vrijwel onbeperkte opties en de "beheersvergoeding" die uw bedrijf rekent, besparen.

2) Whether setting up your own or using your company’s plan, first put money into a Roth IRA, but be aware there is a limit to how much you can put in per year, right now it’s about $6000/year. Traditional IRAs and 401Ks are funded with before-tax money. Problem is, you will pay taxes on the money when you withdraw it. Roth IRA’s work the opposite way. You pay taxes on your earnings just like you normally do, then you put whatever you can afford into the Roth IRA, say for this year you’re able to put in $5000 but no more after that. In 20 years that $5000 grows to $50,000. When you take it out the 50,000, no tax! I’d rather pay tax on 5000 than on 50,000, get it? With regular IRA you pay no tax on the 5000 but have to pay tax on the 50,000. That’s why the government limits how much you can put in a Roth IRA per year, they miss out on all that tax revenue!

3) I would avoid new companies and apps for retirement accounts and trading. Stick with well known, established companies like Schwab or Vanguard. My reading indicates some shady practices and policies that companies like Robin Hood engage in.

Ik ben geen expert. Maar dit zijn een paar dingen die ik door de jaren heen heb geleerd door te lezen en onderzoek te doen, waarvan ik wou dat ik ze eerder had geweten.

Blijven de markten stijgen? Wie weet, maar ik zou erop rekenen dat rijke mensen hun geld op de markten hebben en niet graag geld verliezen. Rijke mensen runnen dit land en zullen blijven lobbyen voor beleid dat hun geld veilig houdt en laat groeien.
Laatst bewerkt:
2) Whether setting up your own or using your company’s plan, first put money into a Roth IRA, but be aware there is a limit to how much you can put in per year, right now it’s about $6000/year. Traditional IRAs and 401Ks are funded with before-tax money. Problem is, you will pay taxes on the money when you withdraw it. Roth IRA’s work the opposite way. You pay taxes on your earnings just like you normally do, then you put whatever you can afford into the Roth IRA, say for this year you’re able to put in $5000 but no more after that. In 20 years that $5000 grows to $50,000. When you take it out the 50,000, no tax! I’d rather pay tax on 5000 than on 50,000, get it? With regular IRA you pay no tax on the 5000 but have to pay tax on the 50,000. That’s why the government limits how much you can put in a Roth IRA per year, they miss out on all that tax revenue!

Wow! This one paragraph is blowing my mind! I generally put money into my IRA to save on my tax burden in the present. It didn't occur to me that the cost of that over time is that ultimately, it's possible that I could end up giving dramatically more money to the federal government in taxes, because there's more money there to be taxed. Wild! I really hadn't thought of that. Thank you so much @pythagorean for putting it out there in such a straightforward way.

I know that my tax burden feels too high right now, so I do everything I can to minimize it. I imagine I'm just shoving the problem off onto the future, where, somehow, I'd like to imagine it's easier to handle. But, that's unrealistic.
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